Ryan is awesome. After a day of shooting, we did this set at the very end, in the magic hour when the sun is beginning to dip behind the downtown buildings. Ryan is buddies with an awesome comic book artist and he was cool enough to let us shoot in his loft in downtown LA. He was also cool enough to introduce us to butterscotch root beer, but that’s a different story. The whole loft was decked out with his comic art, and these amazing suits of samurai armor made to look like Batman and Superman. None of this is visible in the pictures, as this is iheartgirls.com, not igetabonerforthedarkknight.com, even though I do. And so does Ryan. Girl boners, deal with it. Anyway, we were fighting the light almost the whole time, but we got some great shots, mostly because Ryan was down for anything. At one point she was hanging more than halfway out the window (does photography insurance cover plummeting?), and was absolutely committed to getting the right shot. Oh, to be a peeping tom that day… It would be like winning the lottery on Christmas.
25 comments on “Ryan Keely ♥s Window Undressing”
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Hey Cherie! This is my first time commenting on your new site, and it took my new fav internet lady (besides you:) Ryan to get me on here. Great set, and kudos to you and Ryan for those beautiful and death-defying shots.
I've been a fan and email subscriber of yours since the Babeology days and I'm glad you have your own gig now. I'll join eveyone else in wishing you congrats and i'll continue to support you and your gorgeous models all the way. And of course I'll be looking for more Ryan as well. I heart girls & I heart Cherie!
Hi Tim!
Thank you! I always appreciate the support and glad you're along for the ride. I look forward to seeing more of Ryan on the site as well.
I <3 you too!
Nice set… you’re right about ‘the Magic Hour’, i find Ryan even more appealing with glasses on.
But perhaps is that because i’m wearing glasses myself.
And how much of a risk was it, balancing act on photo 3… the window is open correct!?
Ohw and Cherie, i came here through instagram.
Yes, let me tell you… I was dripping sweat from my brow shooting this. Ryan insisted on hanging out of the window, and it really made me nervous. She was a pro though, and ultimately it made for some good shots. But yes, scary, nonetheless.
You probably have the best job ever…. I mean I’m aspiring to be a professional dancer (plus it doesn’t hurt that I am around gorgeous girls on a regular basis but I seriously envy the hell out of your job….. When I die I am hoping this is my heaven
Thank you… I agree that I am quite lucky to have this job. Almost as cool as being a professional dancer (with a lot less physical activity)
I haven't been looking at the comments since i posted last. I'm glad that you are getting the support you deserve!
Thank you! I hope I can keep everyone returning and interested in the site!
Thats one fine girl
Yes she is!
she's so fine
sexy and you know it haha
Damn shes so sexy
Cherie I was starting to worry when I stopped receiving the babeology emails and when I hadn't seen any of your work on ign for awhile, its good to see you're doing your own thing now. I only really went on ign to see your work so I'm really happy to see you strike out on your own. I just signed up today, you've got my support so keep doing what you do best
Ya i felt the same way
Thank you so much Brett and Stephen! I really appreciate the kind words and support. I will do my best not to disappoint! <3
Hey no problem you should expect to see me commenting quite frequently I just hope all the comments you get are positive, there will always be some jerks out there so you can't really avoid it. But I wish you the best, btw I love the name of the site (iheartgirls too lol) but I'm actually really surprised that the domain name wasn't already taken.
Comments and input are always much appreciated! As for negativity, I find it flattering that people are sometimes so affected by my work that they feel compelled to spend their time complaining about it. As for me, I value my time and try to spend it doing things that positively impact my life. Life is short, so why would you choose to spend your time obsessing over what someone else does…? To each his/her own, I guess! Besides, I feel kind of sorry for those people. Must not have much going for them if the highlight of their day is to try to ruin someone else's. Just sad.
Anyway, glad you like the URL. I've actually owned the domain for almost 7 years now so that gives you an idea of how long I've been thinking about making this site.
It's been a long time coming…
I'm impressed that's definitely the right attitude to have, you certainly seem to have your head on straight
…7 years you sneaky girl no wonder it wasn't taken, so this sounds to me like it's sort of a dream project of yours. I hope you don't mind me asking but the site is free so does this mean you're doing this in your own spare time? Also I've been wondering this since I started following your work, is Cherie the name you were born with? Because I like it, it's very cute
Yes, this definitely was the project of my dreams. Finally making it all happen! I am doing in it my spare time but hope to make it my full-time job someday! I guess if it gets popular enough, anything is possible.
Tell all of your friends! haha
And yes, Cherie is my real name, thank you.
Brett you took the words right out of my mouth. Cherie was the only reason I went IGN. I was starting to worry since its been a month with no new babeology photos. I always thought Cherie should have her own site and now she does. Good for you and you have my support also. Keep the pics coming.
Thanks so much Virgil!
I'll keep 'em coming!
Well thats good you always need something to strive for, just keep it up and I'm sure one day you will be able to call this your full time job
Well, this definitely is my full-time job… That’s not to say it pays all the bills, but I definitely don’t have a job besides this. haha