Above anything else, what I love about Tanit is her spirit. Always quick to smile, make you feel great with a compliment, or light up the room with her laugh, she is a joy to have around, and I’m really happy this comes through so much this set.
Of course, she has all the other things you could hope for in a model and then some. The photos speak for themselves. Tanit is absolutely gorgeous; she knows her body, knows her poses and knows how to move (this is exceptionally useful, even when taking stills).
I loved shooting this because I got to capture all the aspects of Tanit’s personality, including one of the most important elements: love of animals. The loveable London was on set for the shoot and I couldn’t resist capturing them together! I hope you enjoy.
Happy Birthday Tanit, do enjoy Your special day.
Well done Cherie; Tanit is Awesome.
Thanks Billy! Agreed, Tanit is quite awesome.
Amazing shots Cherie. Tanit is amazing as always. I really love the last three.
Thank you! Glad you liked the set
Thank you for helping bring such beautifulness to world Cherie
Tanit seems to be such a beautiful woman both inside and out
And this shoot is great!
Thank you Mr Bond! The pleasure is all mine. And Tanit is such a lovely person… such a big heart and a very funny girl to boot.