A few months back, I shared some photos of one of my closest friends, who has been retired from the modeling scene for a while. She is, of course, completely gorgeous, and besides being my first ever subject, she’s one of the best models I’ve ever shot.
It took a bit of cajoling (or maybe forcing is the more accurate term), but I finally got her to agree to shoot. We took a series of shots in the window of my hotel room before turning our attention to the bed.
With 50 Shades of Grey debuting this weekend, I thought it was the perfect time to roll out our second set of photos, which featured the lightest bondage ever photographed. Okay, so it’s a shaky connection to a huge media phenomenon. Look at that awesome lace mask!
I don’t often get to shoot in hotel rooms, it’s always a nice change of pace. The bed was a lot of fun with its ornate headboard and endless pose possibilities, and she made full use of it. One of these photos in particular is one of my favorite photos ever (guess which in the comments below!).
As before, some of you may know who this is in the pictures and that’s cool if you do. But if you do know, please don’t share. I’d like to keep her identity hidden and maybe we’ll see her on IHG again some day. Cross your fingers… now!
Forever a mystery. I’m intrigued
This is amazing Cherie. This should be in magazine spreads everywhere.
Thank you Albert! Very flattered
I’m tempted to say 12 is your favourite since photographers are known to often look for symmetry, and you could have chosen picture 4 as the cover photo to throw us off. So yeah, I’m gonna say 12.
It would seem she doesn’t need the incentive of working as a model to take care of herself either. There are people who’ve lived lifetimes not getting anywhere close to a silhouette like hers. And how can her skin be so perfect?
I agree. I am completely jealous. Grrrrr…
Haha, I actually love both of those but my fave is #3…
I like how it feels very voyeuristic. 
Ooh yeah I didn’t think of it like that!
‘retired from the modeling’? More like ‘once a model always a model’! haha
This set is awesomely sexy Cherie! It’s so soft and seductive; very lovey, and gives off a really ‘warm and cosy’ vibe
Is the 2nd photo your favourite of this set?
Glad you liked this set… She is an amazing model. Wish I could convince her to shoot more! my fave of the set is #3. It’s just so mysterious and dark.