Ah, decisions, decisions. Being a photographer is all about a million little choices: an adjustment here, a tweak there. The adjustment, in some ways, defines the art. Those who are fluid and adaptive make great photos. Then there are other choices, the choices of presentation after you’ve captured your images. The debate with this, my first ever set with Ash Hollywood, presented this challenge: black and white or color?
I always shoot digital and I always shoot in color, and I make the black and white decision when I start color correcting images. Usually that decision is simple: color. It’s vibrant, it’s intimate; it’s expressive. But black and white is sleek, seductive. Classic. For this set, Ash looked amazing no matter how the images were presented, but I finally went with black and white because they just looked so deliciously good that way.
One thing I was not conflicted about: Ash being a responsive and inspiring model. It’s always fun to shoot someone who is in complete control of what she wants to look like, and knows exactly what the camera wants to see.
I had recently bought the spiky bra and was dying to shoot someone in it, but when Ash showed up to the shoot, she pulled the exact same bra out of her bag. The cat ears and cream came out midway through the shoot (hey, it’s my fetish… get used to it!) and Ash transformed into a cat. Her method acting lured my cat Humbert out of hiding, and he wouldn’t leave us alone the rest of the shoot.
Here’s a good feeling: The second I put the camera down, I already couldn’t wait to shoot Ash again.
OMG… wow… she is smoking hot! Her and seductive go hand and hand. And great idea going with black and white! These photos wouldn't nearly have the same effect as they would in color.
Lol, so you have a cat fetish? That's cool. I wouldn't say I have a cat fetish, but I do like it when girls purr. ;P
BTW, your cat sounds awesome.
Yes, Ash is quite the seductress. Glad you liked the set!
I wouldn't say I have a cat fetish as much… I'd more say I have a fetish for girls dressed up as cats or bears or other cute animals.
Heh. Something about being adorable is also sexy to me. I think it's all the hentai I've watched.
My cat is awesome!
You know, I guess I could understand why you like girls dressing up as cute animals. Heh, I don't blame you at all.
So you think adorable is sexy? I'll have to keep that in mind. ;P I like anime, but not that kind. Lol, I watched some before… and can't say I'm a fan. To each his/her own though.
Yeah, I know… I am kind of bored by real life porn, esp American porn. It just doesn't feel real to me. So I guess if I wanna watch some fake sex, I would prefer it animated.
Also, with hentai, I don't feel as distracted by human flaws like pimples, and other grossness. But I think the main reason is that I don't like visualizing specific people, like the people you are watching in porn. With animation, it's easier to envision myself in that scenario as opposed to watching people in live action porn.
I agree Cherie. I think that live action porn has gotten so systematic and predictable that they are always looking for new ways to present it. I think that you could definitely make it different and vibrant as your wonderful photographic work. I've only seen hentai once but I agree that it is easier to see yourself in an animated character than watching a real life person acting an erotic emotion. By the way,
Ash is gorgeous just like yourself and I can tell that the whole cat vibe was definitely there. Just a suggestion baby Cherie, since you have that unused spike bra, maybe you can wear it and give your fans and followers at least one pic of your beautiful self.
Hi Tim, glad to hear you agree as well! I much prefer foreign porn to American porn (if I am going to go that route) but as I've said before, hentai is my preference.
But I would definitely love to try my hand at making some myself. I think I might be a little too squeamish for boy/girl though. haha
I agree that Ash is quite special, I want to shoot her as much as possible before she becomes too busy for me! She is a photographer's dream. I love uninhibited girls.
As for the spiked bra, thank you for the flattering suggestion. I will definitely consider donning it for a shot although I am much too lazy to go through the hair/makeup routine when I can just put it on a model who will make it look much better than I would.
Huh, that is really an interesting way of looking at it. I still prefer live-action to anime, but I understand your viewpoint.
I do agree that American porn, well, porn in general has gotten boring. I don't know if it's my age or what. Believe it or not, I hardly ever watch it anymore.
Lol, this was an interesting conversation for sure. Well thanks for taking the time to reply to me sweetie. I know you're a busy girl, so it means a lot to me.
Yeah, I have talked to a lot of guys about this topic and have come to the conclusion that men just view sex differently than women. Or at the very least, this woman.
As for American porn, I always say that I wish I could make porn because I would make it so differently than what's out there. I am so sick of a lot of the trends in porn here, in addition to the fact that everything I see looks so trashy. Sick of fake boobs, lips, hair, nails, attitudes, all of it. Just want some nice natural girls who aren't gagging or screaming their heads off. I've had sex a couple of times so I know what it's really like, ya know.
Thanks for posting, Geoff! I love responding to comments here… I'd love to grow this little community so please feel free!
My sentiments exactly Cherie.
Ha ha, I had no idea this was such a hot button issue for you; you have a lot to say on this subject. Like I said, I don't really watch porn anymore and you pretty much hit the nail on the head with everything you said that is wrong with American porn. I'll have to take your word for it… because *cough*I don't have any experience*cough*… so how about those Mets?
Well, if you bring the same work ethic you have on your photo shoots as you would directing the porn industry here, you would do some amazing things.
Lol, that is most bizarre compliment I ever said to a girl. I also heard online sales are down(surprise, surprise). Though I don't have any experience on the subject, I could even tell it feels very forced and is a mess. It's not very organic. It takes you out of it. A woman's touch is what the industry needs.
No problem sweetie! I like coming on here to admire and comment on your amazing work and talk to you of course. And thanks, Cherie! I do feel very welcome here! Perhaps too welcome… I don't make a habit of going on sites and disclosing the fact I'm still a virgin, ha ha. I'm so going to regret mentioning that . At 5:00 in the morning apparently I'm fearless.
The community will grow in time. Once more people see how great this site is and how awesome you are, new users will come pouring in.
Thank you Geoff! Maybe one day, I will become a porn producer as well. I aim for the stars!
It's not very surprising that sales are down. I wouldn't pay for most of that crap either. The porn industry needs me! I am convinced. Heh heh
I feel very privileged to have a such supportive group of like-minded individuals here. It makes me really happy that so far, there's been none of the usual internet trolling and leaving of rude comments. Makes me feel like maybe I've created a real place of zen here. :-p Would be amazing if IHG had that kind of effect. "I come here to meditate."
As for being a virgin, that's nothing to be ashamed of but I think it's admirable to share that. I think people shouldn't really rush into all of that anyway. I mean, I wish I hadn't rushed since all of my early sexual experiences weren't all that good. I hate to say "regrettable" because I feel like every experience has shaped my life and has brought me to where I am now, but I guess "unneccessary" would be a good word for it. Haha
I hope the community does grow, so that maybe one day I can make money from the site and be able to afford to hire help and update all the time. Until then, weekly updates are the best I can do.
But I am still very appreciative of all of the attention we get! Gives me something to look forward to.
Hey Geoff, I like reading your comments. It's nice having someone else on here that likes to start conversations, rather then just post tiny statements. That's what I love about this site. It has great and respectful pics of beautiful women and Cherie actually cares about her fan base. I've never known anyone else to take the time to respond to their fans like Cherie does. Cherie your the best. I do hope your community base does grow and I'm sure it will. I just hope it doesn't grow to big that you won't have time to respond to all of our posts anymore, ;). Oh, and Geoff so you don't feel bad, and so you can see how open this community is. I'll admit that I'm a virgin to, :).
Awww, Virgil… thanks so much. I feel so appreciated by everyone who visits the site! I know that what I do isn't changing the world or anything, but I like to think I make a few people happy with my work, and it makes me very proud of my little accomplishments. I don't think this site will ever get so big that I can't respond to comments anymore but I guess if it did, wouldn't be the worst problem to have. I could just have employees doing the real work for me while I chat away on the messageboards.
Also, I love the honesty here in the comments! I love that not only do I feel supported, but that you guys are supportive of each other. That is what the internet should be like! Makes me want to murder people when I read an article about someone dying and reading people saying things like, "LOL," or "they deserved to die." What is wrong with people in the world today?! For the record, I will not tolerate any of that sort of nonsense here. Glad I haven't had to. You guys are the best. <3
Hey Virgil, thanks man. I like you reading your comments too. You seem like a cool guy. Heh, even though I haven't been "off the lot," I still have a lot to say on the subject of women.
I agree! This is a such a fantastic site! Wow, well that means a lot. Thanks, I really appreciate that.
And hey, just because we are virgins, it doesn't mean we have to act like it. Confidence is key.
Confidence is everything! Agreed!
That is certainly something to shoot for!
The money you make from that you could use to hire more employees to help you out with this site.
Ha ha, this place does feel very peaceful. Something about beautiful women puts me in a good place.
Thanks Cherie! That's is really nice of you to say.
What's funny is I feel more comfortable telling girls that than guys. Whenever I tell girls I'm still a virgin, they are surprising cool about it. With some girls though… especially with a girl as sweet, lovely, and as beautiful as yourself, it's bit more intimidating/hard in a way… If that makes sense. Well, I had a feeling you would be cool about it, so I felt comfortable enough to mention it.
You and a lot of other people have told me not to rush into it, but seeing as how am I going to be 25 early next year, it's getting harder and harder to follow that advice.
I understand what you're saying though and I appreciate it. 
I'm really passionate about this site and would love to help you out for free, but my knowledge of HTML code is limited, unfortunately. I heard confidence in a man is one of the most important things to women. Also, I know women love funny guys. So at least I'm not completely clueless when it comes to the fairer sex.
Employees would be a gift from heaven! Someday! Crossing my fingers.
As for being almost 25, I can see how the temptation would be very tough to fight. I say, do what makes you happy! You'll know when the time is right for you.
No worries about not having much to offer on the HTML front. The site is built in WordPress, unfortunately, because if it was just HTML I could handle it myself.
No biggie though, there are mostly minor issues here and there and I'll find someone to fix them eventually.
And yes, a sense of humor is key, esp for me. You don't want to live the rest of your life with someone who can't make you laugh!
"The cat ears and cream came out midway through the shoot (hey, it’s my fetish… get used to it!)"
I'm use to it.
Hahaha… yup. Much more of that to come.
Just got back from a trip to the United Kingdom, and there’s nothing better to find in my mail box then more photos from Cherie. More great pics and I was going to differently mention your obvious cat fetish Cherie but you beat me to it,
Lucky! I want to make a trip out to the UK again soon.
Hope you had a fun time.
I'll be out of town this week but will have a new set up soon!
That bra is insane, I love it.
Thank you! I love the bra too. Sadly, I bought it intending to shoot a model in mine, but then Ash arrived with her own. So my sad spiky bra is sitting in a pile of stuff unused.
Poor bra.