There may not be a better invention in the world than pasties. Sure, there have been some great advancements in technology and medicine, but my money is still on pasties. Why? They are the ultimate loophole. They say, “Hey, I’m clothed in the most technical sense of the word.” They are the perfect tease… and the perfect way to celebrate the naughty side of Valentines Day.
What’s better than pasties? Heart pasties! When Destiny told me she had these awesome heart pasties she wanted to shoot, she rocketed up my cool chart. I knew we needed to shoot them for V-Day. I went for moody, shadowy lighting to complete the burlesque vibe. I love the red curtains and the sock garters; the kind I imagine old British dudes still wear.
All this to give you the ultimate Valentines Day present. Enjoy the set and leave your Destiny worship messages in the comments below. And don’t forget to check out the Nice set here.
Oh my… she is convincingly naughty… Is it getting really hot in here or is it just me?
This gift more than makes up for my Valentine’s Day! I feel like I need to give you a gift in return for this, Cherie. It’s just that good.
And I was wondering what you call those. So pasties, huh? The more you know.
Haha yes, well, considering that it was Destiny’s idea, I’m not surprised at how well she sells the look.
Glad you enjoyed the set… Valentine’s Day is almost always overrated so I thought a nice double set would be a real treat for readers.
When my chocolates saw this they melted
Awww, I didn’t get chocolate this year! Lucky!
Awwww Cheri! Well that is a darn shame that you didn’t get any chocolates this year!. You certainly deserved some. Your fans know you are cool like that and should have gotten a huge box.
You know there is always that debate – does a boy want a nice girl or a naughty girl? Hee hee. And now thanks to you and Destiny we have both in one. Does it get any better than that? I think not.
Thank you! Probably for the better that I don’t consume a huge box of chocolates. I need to start watching my girlish figure, after all.
As for the nice/naughty girl debate, it’s always best when it’s a little of both.
Definitely agree with you there.
That sound u might have heard was my mouth hitting the floor.