Yeah, it’s still before Thanksgiving but we’re counting down to Christmas, and along the way giving out presents to all the good girls and boys in the form of iheartgirls prints, signed by… me! Note: You don’t really have to be good to win, so don’t let that stress you out.
The print we’re giving away is from a shoot I did with Liz Katz last year. It hints at Catwoman without specifically replicating one of her costumes from the comics, but that’s just fine by me! Love how these came out. All you have to do to enter is to tell me in the comments below what super power you’d like to have… and why. Be specific!
If you haven’t already (and you really should), check out the set we shot of Liz here.
You must leave your comment by 12:00 midnight PST on Saturday the 30th in order to qualify. Here’s a full list of rules. Good luck!
Mind heal (Give wisdom). I can heal a persons body through their minds imparting 100x greater wisdom than they had or didn’t have. This way, when I’m done, they can move forward to better their own lives and everyone around them whose minds/hearts they touch. – Sandor X
I would like to have to the power of persuasion. That way i can get out of trouble when im in a pinch
The power of the Green Lanterns would be awesome to have. Anything I can imagine would manifest with my ring, I can travel to other galaxies and mingle with alien specious all while protecting the lives’ of innocent beings.
Having the ability to time travel in order to go back and change the outcome of events in a person’s life.
I would have time manipulation, basically you wont age so become immortal, if you’re about to die you can reverse time and avoid the situation altogether, you can also stop time and do anything you want without consequences, id probably use it secretly and keep the powers to myself so i could cheat on tests and be a little selfish and greedy if I’m honest, not gonna lie haha
I’d want to have Iceman’s powers. I’d constantly mess with people and make things cold all the time. That and I live in Vegas, so I’d be chill over the summers.
I Want the ability of batman,The Batmoney.I like to Be a Batman,Because He Don’t Need a Superpower To Be a Super Hero.He does for the good of the city and those who are near him.
Awesome, I’d love to win it!
i would like to have power over Death so then i could keep my Great Grand parents they had been together for 72 years before they passed away i loved them so much they took my family out for diinner when we had no money they would pay our bills when mom got sick and they helped raise my sister who is named after Great grandma tracey i love them both and wish to have them back with me for a eternity…….
he has a great beard…working on it
speak using words no one uses…math teacher
walks around wearing whatever he pleases…check
and his brother is a dick…CHECK
i’d get to knock a hulk in the face, take on mythological creatures, conjure lightning and be a god.
I want wolverines powers because he is a beast and that is awesome. the ability to regenerate and bone claws are amazing. Nuff said
I want the ability that Cypher had in X-Men: to idiomatically understand, speak, read and write any language I encounter. Then I will be able to talk to everyone on this planet and maybe, just maybe, get them to understand each other and quit trying to kill each other for stupid reasons. Since I’d have the idiomatic understanding, I’d grok all of the nuances behind their words and be able to convey that.
Is there a URL I can clock to get that?
Thanks for reading.
Definitely telekinesis, I would be able to find a lot of uses for that every day lol. Sure would make my job easier.
Control over time. I could knock out an 8 hour work day, game all evening, still spend time with my family and get plenty of sleep
Need the power of teleportation, so I can kiss good-bye to 2-hour work commutes, economy-class plane flights, and being stuck at boring places because I had to carpool with someone.
My superpower would be to be able to absorb all forms of radiation, nuclear energy, microwaves, ect. This way If some trigger happy governments decided to not sit down at a table and work out their problems, and decided to rather launch nukes at their adversaries, i’d save humanity. i’d absorb the energy blast saving billions of people from dying painful deaths or worse just because their governments failed their people. I would not want to be hailed as a savior or a god, nor would I want anything from my efforts….well…except perhaps a signed poster of my fav cosplayer.
picture 6 of 9 of the set is my favorite – I LOVE that shot
Batman, I mean it doesn’t need explaining. Smart rich strong and cat woman
Would have to be being able to fly like goku that would just be amazing and unreal. I feel like thats a top pick for most people.
Probably the power to win the occasional contest. My only weakness: subtlety.
I would have the power of reality manipulation, then anything i can think of will happen, the world would be mine!!!!
Teleportation, the version Goku uses
To be with my girlfriend whenever I want to. We live 3 hours apart, so we can’t be together whenever we want to…
Teleportation. I could be any place I want at anytime.
I would love to have the power to heal people.. It would be pretty awesome to cure sickness and injuries of other people who really need it. I like to help people in any way I can.
The power to stop time (and still be able to move)! No one can get away with super powers without being noticed, and the human body already has it limits when it comes to its processing power. By making reality stop for you, your body doesn’t ever have to exceed its own limits. This power could give the impression of super speed, super reflexes and many other powers while. Being able to make people believe your power is something else means your already ahead of every plan that someone could use to take you down. And if someone were smart with this power, they could use it without ever giving away they have it in the first place.
The superpower of absolute intelligence. I’d go and build a portal gun, robots, create a virtual reality, possibly the AI we expected from movies, and, uh, plan how to take over the world. Or Mars. Mars would be great for uncontested resources.
Flight, I’ve dreamed about it for years, it’d be really convenient and the best way to bypass traffic jams or avoid them all together. Ease of getting place to place and getting to a better vantage point to take photos.
Super power that I would most want? Hmmmmm….. I think I would have to go with invisibility. How cool would it have been to able sneak into the girls showers back in high school? I sure as hell can’t be the only one who wanted to get away with watching the cheerleaders shower.
I would like to have the Superpower to Fly, just like a Sayajin, to get where you want to, to be able to reach every place, flying tough clouds and be free! I would like to have it, because then you arn’t earthbound anymore, you are free to go where you want, wen you want. You are literally a free Human
My power would be to have flight. Due to having friends around the world, I would love to visit them. Also, to fly to the countries who need help. Would love to be able to do some kindness in this world.
I would like to have the ability to transform into a werewolf at will. Why? because i think wolves are cool first of all and second i think that if i was a werewolf it would be nice to have powerful senses so that i wouldn’t get beat up or jumped and i would be able to help law enforcement with my senses…be able to sniff out drugs and stuff….i know they have dogs for that BUT they can’t talk hahaha so communication would be better if i was on the job.
I would have the power to heal so I could help cure people of their illnesses. I had Prostate Cancer but am now Cancer free as of Friday the 13th of July 2012.
I would like to be able to control time and space. Just think of all the things you could do…..i mean aside from sneaking in to watch photo shoots of your fave cosplay girls
Travel to different country’s, saving lives by moving people out of disaster areas…..even gardening could be improved (instantly grow plants
oh the possibility’s are endless.
have all of deadpools abilities and mutant powers
You stole mine lol! it’s ok bro room for all of us lolol
Telekinisis so I can work better. Move that car that blocked me in, and just be awesome.
If I could have any power it would be kind of like Beast Boy from Teen Titans. Being able to become any animal I wanted to for the right situation would be a dream come true. I’d never truly need a vehicle anymore because I can fly or swim by turning into a bird or fish. If I’m at a parade, I can turn into a Giraffe and see over people. And if I feel threatened, well, I can just change into a T-Rex. The possibilities are endless!
Hmm super power ay…… hmm id love the venom symbiot!
Teleportation so I never have to be stuck in trafffic or pay for plane tickets.
Invisibility so that I could go EVERYWHERE!
First stop: tha bank lol
Gotta go with shape shifting but without the typical limits. Shift into objects to hide in plain sight or shift into another person for intel gathering. And lets face it, your partner would love the fact they could be with someone different every night. You could even be with multiple people and never get caught if you’re into that sorta thing lol. Lets not forget how easy it’d be to get money
Being Zach Morris with the power to stop time. This is a god like ability that would be helpful in many situations and make moments last longer than normal, as well as fix certain things.
I like the idea of being able to regenerate like Logan from XMEN…you would be able to live a long time and be with those you love longer. With a body that continually regenerates you would stay healthy and be able to research your own genetic make up to possibly help those with chronic pain or illnesses.
The power to stop/slow down/speed up/reverse time, with the particular addendum that my age doesn’t change while I’m controlling it and things I interact with still work (e.g. Internet, lights, water, etc…). I’d never have to worry about being late or about wasting time, and if I make a mistake, I could just undo it.
Healing powers like wolverine! I’m a chef and when I get cuts or burns there wouldn’t be any lawl in service cause I needed to stop and get it taken care of!!
Irresistible d*ck superpower… why ? Because f..k you, that’s why ! (just kidding : ( )
If I could have one power in the world, more than anything, it would be the power to heal others and in return absorb some of their pain. There are many psychological and dysfunctional disorders that prevent people from being able to do what they normally would be able to do. That guy in the mental institution who is in solitary confinement may have the cure to cancer in his mind for all we know !
And I know plenty of other great people who were injured in war who have 24/7 migraines, cannot balance themselves, and people with PTSD, like my father. So if I had one power in the world, I would want to be able to heal people.
I would like the power to regenerate and travel through time and space. Also the power to always have a british accent. There might be some copyright issues with my powers but I’ll just go back in time and fix that. I hope I win!
The Doctor
i’d love the power of teleportation, i always do like sneaking up on friends and family just go go BOO. and heck, real world applications, i can ditch the car, car insurance, and DMV nonsense for good.
Chronokinesis — you could do alot of good with this. Save lives. Change history
I would go with super speed like The Flash. It has a lot of uses. You could win pretty much any fight because you are just so fast. You could dodge bullets like an Agent in The Matrix. You wouldn’t have to waste any time traveling anywhere because you could be anywhere in the blink of an eye – that’s GREAT for people who travel a lot! You could visit anywhere in the world.
I wish I had the superpower to control minds so I could persuade Cherie to pick me as the recipient of this fantastic Liz Katz print!
It would be awesome to be able to control all four elements water,earth,air, and fire because i would be in control of nature itself. I’ll be able to fly cause i could control the air, breath fire, build anything using the earth, freeze stuff. I’ll basically be the avatar from the legend of korra.
Being able to read the minds of other people would be pretty cool. I would be able to turn it on and off whenever I want so I don’t go crazy too. That way, since I’m not the most confidant person in the world, I would know that I’m not so screwed up at all. I don’t need to deal with people and the facade that they put on.
I’m gonna have to go with flight as well. If I’m in the mood for some great Greek food, I could just fly to Athens without it being a hassle.
I’d like Pyrokinesis. Setting shit on fire with my mind.
Can I participate even when I’m from Norway?
If I could choose a superpower it would be invisibility.
It would be awesome if I could attack bad guys from behind or just disappear in an awkward situation. xD
My superpower would be to make men premature ejaculate & women queef whenever they talk to someone they haven’t met before.
Can I qualify for this giveaway ? I’m from EU .
Or Alysha or Alee !!! <3 
Anyway , my superpower would be Timetravel probably ! I love history and reliving memories !
Is there any chance we get in the future a print from Cherie !?
Hi Bill! We are currently only doing giveaways to the US, very sorry!
As for future prints, not sure about one of myself, but will definitely do an Alysha or Alee print soon!
I’d love to be able to fly. That would be the best because than you could save money on flights.
Hi there, i would love to buy this print, please email me, thx
Hi Chris! We aren’t currently selling prints but we will be in the near future!
If you’re at I ♥ Girls, you want x-ray vision
I really don’t care about superpowers as long as I’m Batman.
I would love to have the power to Teleport. Even short distances. It would save on gas and I would be harder to find than Waldo. This would allow me to keep in contact with the people who matter in my life. As well as being able to be at the right place at the right time for events!
I would love to have the power of flight to just travel the world at any time without any delay, just up and go anywhere I please! That ability certainly beats terrible rush hour traffic as well!