It’s no big secret that Christmas is my favorite holiday. Decorating the tree, singing along to “Last Christmas,” sipping egg nog, wrapping presents, unwrapping presents… Christmas is perfection across the board. Every year, I can’t wait until it’s here, and every year I’m bummed when it’s gone. Christmas is all about caring, sharing and giving… three things that the world could use a bunch more of. Our Christmas mission is to put smiles on as many faces as possible, so each day for twelve days, we’ll be revealing a new present under our proverbial digital tree. Be sure to check this article each and every day for all kinds of goodies. We won’t tell you what… and no peeking!

Merry Christmas to us lolol!!!
I’m a HUGE Fan of Michelle Tomniczak.
I do not have many gifts to make at this time of Advent.
But if I have a wish for you, especially for Cherie Roberts and Miss Mosh, this Christmas …What can be born again with Him!
Thank you! Happy holidays!
I really hope one of these presents is a Mosh print giveaway (she is gorgeous) or even better a Cherie Roberts print giveaway.
You’ll have to check back and see!

I do not have many gifts to make at this time of Advent.
But if I have a wish for you, especially for Cherie Roberts and Miss Mosh, this Christmas …What can be born again with Him!