I was going to make the headline for this feature “Erin go braless,” but there is just so much fertile territory when it comes to St. Patrick’s Day. I chose, “The luck of the Irish must be smiling on you today,” but could have gone with “Maryjane shows off her lucky charms,” or even, “Maryjane is magically delicious!” What makes them good is that they’re all true!
Man, I love this set. Maryjane is so pretty. Her smile just lights up these pictures, and her body! Luck of the Irish, indeed. To add to the charm, Maryjane actually is Irish. We strive for authenticity, people.
The hair and makeup (by Janelle Faretra) is also amazing. I love the panties, too… they’re made out of sweater material, so they just feel like a warm hug all around. Which is how I feel looking at these: warm and happy! And I hope you’re warm and happy, too, this St. Patrick’s Day.
Tell us your favorite drinking story in the comments below and you’ll be entered to win a print of Maryjane, signed by me! You must be 18 years old and live within the Continental US in order to be eligible. Leave your comment by 12:01 am on March 19th to qualify. Good luck!
This set was a nice surprise on a rather dull day for me haha. Can’t say I have any drinking stories of my own in particular, it was quite funny when I was woke up at my friend’s house to a knock at the door. The guy at the door was one one of my friend’s housemates who’d drunk to much the night before and ended up taking a snooze at the doors of the town hall. I think Maryjane suits green well.
Haha, I am thankful that I was never a terrible drunk back in my drinking days, although there were quite a few nights I woke up on my bathroom floor. Haha
Aw I missed the deadline didnt I?
well my story anyway. I dont drink or anything but a few years back I traveled to boston to see the pogues play on st patricks day. It was the first time they had toured the us for over a decade. It was amazing to see a band I love so much and all the punks and people dancing around. It was an amaxing show and one of the high points of my life haha.
Great photo set!
Thank you Matthew! I don’t know much of The Pogues besides Fairytale of New York but I do love that song

My college was big on celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. Let’s just say that green beer looks and tastes a whole lot better going down.
Haha, well, I’m assuming that you mean coming back up is not so pretty?
I don’t wanna know hahaha
my drinking story is the first and only time i’ve had 151. i’m the kind of drunk that feeds off of how everyone else is acting, so if everyone is emotional, i’ll be emotional. i just happened to be drinking with some college friends of mine who get kind of hostile when drunk. my wife told me i should slap one of my friends as hard as i can and see how he reacts so i did. surprisingly he responded with a “what did you smack me for?” and just started laughing. the next day he had a pretty gnarly bruise at his cheek bone and everyone had to remind us about me smacking him.
Wow, sounds like quite a night! I know to stay away from 151! Haha! I’d watch my back if I were you, your buddy might subscribe to the idea that revenge is a dish best served cold, so you might have a drunken slap coming your way someday
Well i have a short store to share. Back in the day i work for the local phone company. after partying hard one friday night i went into work the next morning for OTwith 4 hrs sleep. Wennt to my first customers house to fix her jack which was located behind her bed. The only way to reach this jack was to pull the matress out and lay across the bed. She went into the kitchen while I was working on her jack. I don’t know what happened but about an hour later i feel someone tugging on my leg. It was the women whos phone jack I was fixing. she is asking me if i was alright? I said sure, i’ll be done in a minute. she said “ok i was just wondering because you were snoring”
Hi David, that is hilarious! I’ve definitely had my share of sleepy post-party moments. Luckily you weren’t in a more dangerous line of work!
Thanks for sharing!
Also… drumroll please… you have won the contest! I’ll send you an email to find out where to send your print. Congratulations!
I was hoping this “Mc” would win the picture of another “Mc” for St. Patrick’s Day, but I guess there’s always next year. Congrats, David!
Cherie I LOVE redheads; they always have gorgeous fair skin and of course their hair is ever so beautifully striking… and I think you may have have just decided for me which REDhead is my favourite – Maryjane McLain!!! Wowzer! She is one gorgeous woman! Your other Maryjane shoot was really nice, but this one is crazy awesome; she just looks so radiant and sweet (with lots of sexiness thrown in!). I think it could quite possibly be my favourite shoot you have ever produced!
Sorry I don’t drink, so no drinking stories to tell haha, and nothing outstanding has ever really happened on St Patrick’s Day to me… and I’m not in the US, but man oh man I’d love to win a Cherie/Maryjane print!
Aww, thank you! Maryjane is quite stunning. I think she is a perfect mix of cute and sexy, and both of those looks really come out in this set. Happy to hear this look is one of your faves!
Don’t worry, I think saying that nothing has happened to you on St Patrick’s Day is considered a story (for rule’s sake), so you’re entered
Thanks heaps Cherie!
You’re awesome!
I don’t drink so i don’t have any stories just wanted to say this is a nice set and Maryjane is still gorgeous. Also she has nice lucky charms.
Well, I totally respect that since I myself don’t really drink, but you are still entered if you’d like to be? Can share a story about ST. Patty’s Day in general if you like?
Thank you, glad you like the set and Maryjane’s lucky charms haha
Really? Oh man i don’t want to sound lame but i don’t think i have any St. Patrick’s day stories. The only thing i can think of is going to school, which was an uniform only school, and finding everyone wearing green. Spent the day avoiding pinches from everybody so much pain it still haunts me. haha
Haha, my motto is “Pinch me, I punch you”
This is a story mostly about a teenage random night at the AMC theater. It’ll start off right outside the theaters parking lot with a couple of my friends in my 1992 BMW ride. We cracked a case of beer before TED the movie started and by the way living in Colorado before marijuana was legalized my friend managed to get an edible. This wasn’t an ordinary edible like cookies, brownies, or chocolate no it was a sweet and delicious caramel flavored tootsie pop. Each of us had our own golden pop! It was magical and didn’t kick for a couple minutes. Already drunk from pouring lime flavored salt over our coronas it was time to walk in and purchase our tickets. The employee must of see us from a distance as we walked and tripped on our own feet. The edible hadn’t even kicked in we were so drunk we laughed about making it to the front and questioning if the golden pop was kicking in. At that moment gone from being sober it hard to play to cool so we thought forget what others think let’s just have a good time. Oh yes by the time we got to our seats everything turned humorous. The giant screen showed the universal studios logo Earth spinning and only to us it was laughable because we were experiencing a high level of high. Literally the entire movie had us off our seats and controlling our inner drunk and high feelings was a mistake being in a public area. The movie was an over all 5 star rating for us and by the time we left it was okay to drive and continue on. Well that’s all I could make up the rest maybe a bur but it was a perfect mix of drugs used in a proper way. That what makes a scrutinized drugs fun in way not used for examining but instead getting in everyday moments a try for a happy life.
Wow, this was quite the night! Sounds like you really enjoyed yourselves. Ah, to be a teenager again! Thanks for sharing!
No problem haha, btw your work is awesome! To me seeing creative skill isn’t procrastination at all… I see it as a beauty of an artwork/talent! Hope you had a good St. Patty’s day!
Thank you, Edgar! I appreciate it!
Hope you had a good St Patrick’s Day as well!
I’d like to get a wallpaper size of these photos, She’s really hot & beautiful
I will definitely make wallpapers! And I agree, she is quite the package!