For our one year anniversary, I wanted to do something festive. I mean, it’s a birthday and anniversary rolled into one! And to me, there’s nothing more festive than a beautiful girl in her underwear. Doesn’t it just make every birthday, Christmas, President’s Day, and Boxing Day (that’s right Canada… I see you!) that much better? I also decided to pick my favorite pictures from every set I shot in the past year, so be sure to check that out, too.
For the one year photo shoot, I went with Darlene Garcia, an awesome girl I worked with before for Babeology. I’d been dying to shoot her since she got back from the Playboy Club in Macau and we finally made it work. Ain’t no party like a Darlene party is what I always say. Okay, I don’t always say that, but I’m going to start.
Thank you to everyone who made this past year possible: to all the lovely girls who shot with me, and to you, who encouraged me and allowed me to keep chasing my dream. Tell all your friends! Let’s spread the IHG love all over the world. Sounded kind of gross, but you get what I mean! More awesomeness coming in the next year, kicking off with Darlene’s amazing set below:
Don’t know how the hell I missed this photo shoot until now, but I’m glad I found it. Great choice for an anniversary photo set. Sometimes the simplest things are the best. Darlene is stunning in her one piece. Here’s to another year of great models, outfits, pictures, and Cherie.
Thank you Virgil! Glad you liked this set. Darlene is awesome, I absolutely loved shooting her and plan on shooting her again soon.
I do hope to shoot many more lovely ladies for IHG. Lots of girls out there in the world just waiting to be photographed. Hope it’s by my camera!
They would be foolish not to work with you Cherie. Your one of the bests and my personal favorite
Awww Virgil! Thank you
She’s stunning, and nice photography too!
It’s good to see your website is still doing well, keep up the good work:)
Wow! She is very cute and hot! I completely agree. There is nothing more festive(awesome) than a beautiful girl in her underwear. I love this set!
Feliz Cumpleaños y Aniversario Cherie! I’m happy that you didn’t give up on your dream!!! Thanks to you, there is a great site for people who love women!
I can’t wait to see what more you have in store for us this year!
Thank you Geoff! Glad you enjoyed this set as well as the content from the last year! I definitely have lots of ideas and inspiration for the year to come, so let’s hope I can keep conning girls into shooting with me.
Ha ha, you don’t need to con girls to shoot with you. You’re an awesome person, so I’m sure it’s easy to book them.
I actually think girls would feel more comfortable working with a female photographer than a male photographer.
And not to discredit male photographers, but a female photographer is better at capturing the beauty of the female body.
But I do think I have an upper hand with being able to capture female bodies better than the average male photographer. I just think that a lot of men get into glamour photography as a means of meeting attractive women. I think if you’re romantically or sexually interested in a subject, it’s hard to stay focused and to be artistically objective.
Huh, I never really thought about it like that. I think it’s normal for some models to be tense when working with a photographer for the first time. That’s not something you should take personally at all. I mean, Cherie, you’re great! Why do you think the models you shoot keep wanting to come back and work with you again?
Also, Ron and Humbert help keep the mood on the set pretty chill with their hijinks. 
I do understand what you’re saying about being more critical, but I still would think some girls might feel more comfortable having a woman photograph them. Especially when you mentioned some guys get into glamour photography just so they can meet beautiful women. Obviously, those kind of sleazy male photographers want to date and sleep with the models they book.
Oh, I don’t take it personally. I’m just getting used to having to butter the girls up a little more than usual now.
And yeah, you’d think it might be easier as a woman to make women comfortable… but really it’s not! I think women just generally feel more comfortable being sexy in front of a man. I guess it’s just more natural. Not to worry though, I try to bring out the cute/silly in all of our models as a result.
Well, Cherie, you must be quite the sweet talker, because these girls look comfortable, relaxed, and most importantly, they’re having fun. Hmmm, I guess it would be easier for a women to be sexy in front of a male photographer compared to a female photographer.
These models obviously feel comfortable enough around you not to just be cute/silly, but also sexy too. That speaks volumes about how talented you are.
Thank you Geoff! I’ll give credit mostly to the cats though. Girls love cats.
Perfect body . Beautiful !!
So true!
Happy Birthday!
Thank you!
I must say Darlene is a excellent way to kick off the next Awesome year at IHG.
Agreed! She is gorgeous and has a wonderful personality to boot! <3
Sounds Great Cherie, You are Awesome Yourself Gorgeous as I certainly know. Keep up the Fabulous job You are doing Beautiful.
Thank you Billy!