Sometimes, I’ll get a prop, outfit or backdrop and not use it for years. It will sit there waiting until the perfect moment of discovery, and when I decide to use it, it’s the conclusion to a long story. Then there’s the other side of the equation. Sometimes I get something and I can’t wait to use it. The very next shoot, I’ll go straight for it.
That was the case with the red striped backdrop here. I saw it, loved it, knew that I wanted to shoot it, and I bought it. Less than two weeks later, I’m shooting Jennie and we came up with this look. I love the summer feel, and I love all the red. Jennie looks perfect against this backdrop, too: a dazzling summer beauty.
Gosh Jennie is amazing, been a big fan of her for years now. Hope there’ll be more shoots with her
anyway, nice site and nice photography, keep it up
Yes, there are still more sets of Jennie to come!
Thank you!
Can you shoot Levy Tran?
Can’t make any promises but can try to reach out and see
I think I might buy some stripy boxer shorts now!
Haha, well, you shouldn’t have a problem finding any, but yes, Jennie definitely has that effect on men (and even some women, I’m sure)
^ That was hands down my favourite IGN shoot ^
So props to you on bringing Jennie back!
Thanks! Happy to oblige.
Completely agree with you hk7890. That was mine to. Thanks for the link, to remember good times.
Jennie Reid, Justene Jaro and LeeAnna Vamp are easily my favourites. Always excited to see new content involving them.
Keep up the good word, Cherie!
Thanks Jesse! There will be more of all of them! Keep checking back.
A TV show would be incredibly easy to do, if you don’t mind not getting paid for it….
All of your shoots are amazing. First I thought Amanda Gift from Babeology was my fav, but I think Jennie just beat her
Thank you, Greg! I love them both, I guess sometimes I’m in an Amanda mood, and other times, a Jennie mood. They are both so gorgeous.
Wow Cherie! Just when I thought Ryan Keely knocked my socks off, here you come back with gorgeous Jennie.
And I just watched Megan’s milk video. I guess I have 3 favs now (including yourself) and I’ll join the others in applying for a “boring” assistant job just to be able to work with your lovely self.
Just FYI, I only have some photography experience but I do work in tv. lol
Hi Tim! Glad you’re finding my choice in models to your satisfaction… I do think I have excellent taste, if I do say so myself.
As for becoming an assistant of mine, this is turning out to be quite fortuitous for me. Soon I will have nothing to do but eat bon bons and have grapes served to me while being fanned. My plan is working!
As for your experience, I think IHG could use its own TV show, don’t you? Make it happen!
Haha. We can hire Lindsay Lohan to play me.
Hubba hubba hubba…
I second that motion!
Damnn Jennie is gorgeous, and i love what you’re doing Cherie:D
If you need any voluntary work, i’m happy to do so
Thank you Lewis. Unfortunately, all of the volunteer work I’d have available wouldn’t involve being at shoots… mostly boring stuff. Haha! You’re welcome to it though! :-p
Cherie, I love boring stuff. Hell, to work for you I’ll pay you.
Haha! Well, I don’t know if I could accept any form of monetary bribery, but baking me amazing desserts might do the trick.
For now, be on the lookout for hot models for IHG to shoot.
Not much else to do but that.
I live in England so i going to shoots wasn’t really an option, it’s a nice thought though

But sure, I’ll do boring stuff
Haha, well… I’ll definitely keep you in mind when the boring tasks come to mind. For the most part, the only real tasks for the site are: promoting the site, finding new models, and making amazing wallpapers (since mine are boring). If any of those interest you, then you’re welcome to the work.

First: I already signed up for cooking classes.
Second: If I could find hot models for you to shoot in my area I wouldn’t be on this site. I would be to busy looking at them, and not in a creepy way.
Haha, nice! Let me know when you master cupcakes and macarons and we’ll talk.
Another that leaves me speechless
Absolutely gorgeous
I know! I’m jealous!
Holeeee lol. Jennie is just perfect.
Agreed, Mike. Agreed.