Our new friends at Graffinis recently sent us a few brand new suits to shoot, because they though they would look great on our models… So, in addition to making awesome swimwear, they also have good taste! I immediately thought of Shay for these, because… come on. Shay in a bikini is one of the wonders of the world… And putting one on her in April makes it seem like summer has begun.
I love her hair in this set… In fact, the last couple of time I’ve shot her, she’s showed up with a rainbow of fruit hair (that was a failed Skittles reference). Her purple hair in these photos is just starting to fade, and it looks amazing. It might even be inspiring me to go pink… you know, like Popuri from Harvest Moon (look it up!).
As always, Shay was just amazing to work with, and the bikini (of course) looks great on her. In fact, all the suits Graffinis sent are awesome. I was kinda thinking of stealing one for myself… Must resist! For more on these amazing graffiti-inspired suits, check out Graffinis here!
What a great a set! Cherie, I don’t know if you did this on purpose, but the purple in her hair matches well with the purple on the bikini. And I don’t know how I managed to notice there’s boom boxes on the bikini when a woman as beautiful as Shay Maria is wearing it… I must be coming down with something.
Yah, that bikini is awesome! And she has such an incredible body! Harvest Moon, huh? The last time I played a Harvest Moon game was on the N64.
Thank you Geoff! You know, the matching was not intentional but I did notice it also when I picked it out for her to shoot. It’s all about the details!
And yes, Shay has an incredible figure! Many women around the world are envious… including myself! Ugh!
I love Harvest Moon. Every time I go to E3, I always make it a point to visit the Natsume booth to try to score Harvest Moon plushies. I’ve been successful so far! I have a llama, a pig, a duck and a horse!
Wow, it’s funny how stuff works out like that. What?! Cherie, from what I’ve seen, you don’t have anything to be envious about! You both have incredible figures! I even seen members on here mention a couple of times on here that you should do a shoot of yourself for IHG, which I completely agree with!!!
And if you’re worried about who will work the camera, I’m sure Ron or Humbert will do it. Or if that’s not feasible(no opposable thumbs), there’s Austin Powers.
Seriously, that would be so great if you did that! 
Oh, that’s cool! Soon you’ll be able to do your own Harvest Moon.
Haha, thank you Geoff! I definitely need to hit the gym before I jump in front of any camera, mine or anyone else’s.
But I would love to have the cats shoot me when I’m ready. That would make a pretty interesting shoot.
It just goes to show what a bit of hair dye can do if you’re smart with it. What a fantastic set of pictures!
I’m usually more into seeing women with what they were born with; natural hair colour, no tattoos and all that, but when I see Shay, she just looks so right from all angles.
Thank you Joel!
And I agree… I am usually pro-natural on most things… but Shay definitely pulls off any hair color.
This shoot came out great!
Thank you! The bikini looked amazing on Shay! Love it! <3
your beautiful love