Glen Brogan has a distinctive art style that captures the awesomeness of girls in sexy cartoon form. I first saw his work on a Split Reason T-shirt (an awesome Mario shirt called The Plumber’s Wardrobe) for a gift guide I was putting together. More recently, I saw his Video Game Console Girls calendar and knew we had to collaborate!…
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Chris Panda ♥s Girls: Ash Hollywood
The Internet is a helluva thing. It really does make the world a small place, and makes collaborations among awesome, like-minded people possible no matter where they live. Case in point, the amazing French illustrator Chris Panda, whose vector drawings and illustrations of pinup models caught my eye on Instagram.
Chris has a pared-down elegant style and does a wonderful job of capturing the essence of his subjects in just a few lines. …
View Post anime, artist, ash hollywood, blonde, geekJim Mahfood ♥s Girls: Shay Maria
We started IHG as a place for girl appreciators to congregate, and in our never-ending effort to promote the glory of girls, today we’re doing something brand new. From time to time, we will be asking artists from all different mediums to collaborate with us, combining forces to create new and amazing pieces.…
View Post artist, brunette, jim mahfood, shay maria, star warsJim Mahfood ♥s Girls: Shay Maria Video
Kicking off our very first artist collaboration, Jim Mahfood, Shay Maria and I combined to produce a galactic mashup of Star Wars goodness. Willie T. directed an awesome behind-the-scenes/interview video of Jim talking about his distinctive art style, his approach to drawing girls and more. There’s also plenty of classic Shay awesomeness, beep-boop-beeping as R2-D2> It’s a must watch!
Check out the video below: